Saturday, September 1, 2012

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Prolific Vines

The prophetic calamity by Shannon Crees (Graffiti Artist)

ARTastic Challnge blog's inspiration is just fabulous this month!
Criteria – Black background and solid use of geometric patterns
Here is my page
Please join in with us this month at ARTastic
Hugs, Debi

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your warm welcome to this challenge, and your positive comments. I am looking foward to participating in future challenges. Love your doodling in the corners... they do resemble grape tendrils and certainly connect with your photo. Di


Thank you for visiting my blog - it is lovely that you have popped by.
I have had to reactivate Comment Moderation due to a proliferation of spammers.
Hugs Debi xx

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envye blogger theme