Saturday, September 1, 2012

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Bleak Day

 Just take a look at From Screen 2 Scrap this month..

Does this poster make you quake in your boots?? Well it makes my knees shake thinking of lonely dark nights with the wind whirling around the house...eeeek!
1pt = Black Base c/s
2pts = A house somewhere on your page

3pts = Title must have one word in RED letters

So here is mine -

A cold wet bleak day in beautiful Metung, near Lakes Entrance .
Do join in!!
Hugs, Debi xxx


1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog - it is lovely that you have popped by.
I have had to reactivate Comment Moderation due to a proliferation of spammers.
Hugs Debi xx

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envye blogger theme