Friday, December 5, 2014

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A Card & a LO for Feeling Sketchy...

Well it is suddenly December & with that comes 

FREE SCRAP ie no sketches at  

that means it is FREE CHOICE

So as Sketch Designer, it was so very easy for me!! Smile...

Card Sketch 109 - due on the blog by December 15

And my card...I use the fabulous Kaisercraft Basecoat Christmas for this one as well as little Kaisercraft flowers...I adore that range of Christmas paper EVER!!

My card it pictured with my ceramic Santa that I made in 1979 at a studio near Tomago near Newcastle...that dear Santa is bought out every year & in his Santa bag he keeps lollies!!

 And next our LO Sketch 110 - due on the blog by December 31

Here is one I prepared earlier...

I have used lots of an older Kaisercraft range that was just waiting to get used! I felt it was antiquey to match the photo.

Here is young me in I was 12, at the inaugural Party for a Princess in the Jacaranda Festival...& I was chosen the winner...oh my I was so, so happy!!

My mummy organised a borrowed outfit from the local theatre company & added bits & bobs & I went along as a n old fashioned (with a bustle) lady....oh those mum's!

This photo was the one published in the local paper 'The Daily Examiner'.

Interesting facts...

1. I had my long hair cut 2 weeks before, so mum organised the borrowing of a 'switch' from her friend the hairdresser that lived up the road. The hair was real hair - it was the hairdressers daughters plait that she has just cut off. Mum used heaps of bobby pins to attach that hairpiece! The celebrity thought it was my hair & kept admiring it! Smile...

2. The announcer was from the local TV station NRN11, in Coffs Harbour..& that is where I now work..although it has changed names a number of times.

3. I just cant thank my mum enough...& I really don't think I did when she was alive for all her love & support she gave me...I have been very lucky.

I hope you can join in with our challenges, there will even be another 
Card Sketch on 15 December!

Hugs, xx

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog - it is lovely that you have popped by.
I have had to reactivate Comment Moderation due to a proliferation of spammers.
Hugs Debi xx

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