Sunday, August 10, 2014

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Cheerful @ Use Your Stuff

I am joining in with Use Your Stuff with this great challenge..

This week's challenge is STICKERS! We all have tons of them around and sometimes they can be overlooked in favor of other embellishments and die cuts. Dig out your stickers and use them on this project! Letter/number stickers do not count for this project but word/phrase stickers are fine to use. 

I have used some old tape style stickers here, along with some Amy Tan stickers to create this really usable card...I enjoyed quietly sitting & creating I have to say!

Hugs xx

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog - it is lovely that you have popped by.
I have had to reactivate Comment Moderation due to a proliferation of spammers.
Hugs Debi xx

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