Wednesday, August 7, 2013

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You Show Me Yours......Fish Tales

The effervescent Lucy Muraca, sent me the funniest tale accompanied by one terrific photo about smelly luggage during an OS this is my rendition of it!!

It seems on the plane to London Lucy's well loved & well worn suitcase, must have been under a box of stinky fish!
So the tale goes that they dragged this smelly bag into their London accommodation which was 4 flights up but had to throw out the suitcase as it could not be 'exorcised' of that putrid odour.  Thus the use of plastic garbage bags til they bought a new one....
So this deserved a honour of such an auspicious occasion!!
And a little suitcase too
I have to tell you that I really enjoyed working on this page...& had a chuckle at Lucy's expense along the way!
Thanks for checking my blog..
Hugs xx


  1. Fabulous inkyness and gorgeous texture - love it! Karen x

  2. Love your fantastic "fishy" LO. The banner is super cool, love your soooo creative page :)


Thank you for visiting my blog - it is lovely that you have popped by.
I have had to reactivate Comment Moderation due to a proliferation of spammers.
Hugs Debi xx

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