Monday, March 11, 2013

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Liebster Award

I am feeling so very loved today, as I have been awarded this wonderful Liebster away, by not one, but two wonderful women...
So I need to pass it on to 5 lovely gals for each one..
From the jazzy & jaunty Julene Matthews
I send this award out to
sensational  Shazza
marvellous Mary
 superb Shelee
 lovely Leanne
 stylish Sandie
And from the talented & terrific Tarrah McLean
I send this award out to
amazing Anita
caring Clare
joyful Joy
 awesome Angie
 delightful Dale
Hugs to you all xx


  1. Awww, you are too sweet. Plus, you totally deserve the award. No doubts there. Have a lovely one. xx

  2. Hi there Deb. Thank you so much. I will treasure it!!! Right back at ya too. Luv Sandie

  3. What a lovely surprise! Thank you so much Deb! You are a wonderful friend xx

  4. Thanks for the award Debi....I dont have an acceptance speech organised!! but I will pass this award on to five other deserving woman. xx HUgs shazza

  5. Thanks Deb for the Award, it was really a nice surprise. Your a very speical lady. Thanks. Hugs MAry

  6. A little late, but totally appreciative! Thanks for thinking of me. And congratulations :-) !


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Hugs Debi xx

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